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Remembering Battery B

Sue Stankey, Editor Bill Hinsch, Art Director

In Today’s cover story, Robert G. Morris, a local attorney, writes about Toledo men, including his father, Tom Morris, who went into World War I together as members of Battery B. [Read the complete article in Toledo Magazine, March 27, 1988, p. 22]


The Men Of Battery B: Toledo's Own Battery in World War I

By Robert G. Morris*

They were Toledo Boys. Some had attended the old Central High School on Michigan Street, some had gone to Scott and Waite. They knew the rich aromas of Tiedtke’s, the jerky black-and-white images on the silent-movie screen at the B.F. Keith Theater, and the majestic glide of the electric-powered trolleys on Monroe and Adams streets.

Many went to war cheerfully, even exuberantly, sharing the national delusion that they were going to save civilization and " end all wars." The civilization they returned to gave them the lawlessness of the Prohibition era and the joblessness of the Great Depression. Many of them saw their sons off to fight in World War II or Korea.

The first shots they fired in anger were a mixture of luck and farce. Their last shot made history. [Read the complete article in Toledo Magazine, March 27, 1988: p. 1]

*Robert G. Morris is a Toledo attorney and freelance writer. His father, Tom Morris, was a member of Battery B

Home by Easter, says Roy Whitney, Toledo

Undated (1918?) article clipped from the Toledo Blade

 Home by Easter, says Roy Whitney, Toledo