Related articles
The Automobile, 1903-1904. Selected scanned articles. [Article link]
"Barney Oldfield of the Cinder Circuit" in The Ohio Story (no. 343, March 14, 1949): pp. 1-7. [Article link]
The Blade (selected articles fro m1943-1961). [Article link]
Homer C. George. "Introduction" in Barney Oldfield's Book for the Motorist. By Barney Oldfield. Boston: Small, Maynard & Company Publishers (1919): pp. 17-44. [Article link]
Walter F. Peterson. "Barney Oldfield Turns a Plowhorse into a Race Horse." Northwest Ohio Quarterly 35, no. 3 (Summer 1963): 122-128. [Article link]
Wauseon Chamber of Commerce Presents Barney Oldfield Day: June 4. Fulton County Expositor (May 31, 1988). [Article link]
Various newsclippings titled "The First Auto," "OLdfield in the Paddock," 'Bicycle Races," and "Wauseon's Barney Oldfield was quite a character." [Article link]