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 Hyderabad, PakistanHyderabad, Pakistan

Toledo Sister Cities International: "Hyderabad is one of the oldest cities of the Indian sub-continent and lies just east of the River Indus. It is an important commercial and industrial center, with a history also of silk production and gold work. It is also well-known as the city that makes the decorative glass bangles so popular in South Asia...In 2011, the city of Hyderabad established an international sister city relationship with the city of Toledo to bring business, cultural, and educational benefits to each city..." [read more]

Wikipedia: "Hyderabad (Sindhi: حيدرآباد‎, Urdu: حيدرآباد ‎) is a city located in the Sindh province of Pakistan. Hyderabad is the 4th largest city in Pakistan and 2nd largest in province of Sindh..." [Wikipedia link]



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Hyderabad, PakistanHyderabad, Pakistan. Montage by Toledo's Attic

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